Members’ meeting 25th January 2024

The next meeting will take place on 25th January 2024 at 6.30 pm at the usual venue: The Quaker Meeting House at 22 School Lane, Liverpool City Centre.There will be an update on recent legislative changes delivered by the regional representative of the NRLA, Robert Johnson, as well as an update from Louise Harford from Liverpool City Council.

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Members’ meeting October 2023

Rob will also provide you with the latest facts and figures following the recently published Landlord Panel Survey and what Landlords in our area are thinking.

Plus a whistle stop tour of the NRLA’s very own Portfolio for property management.

Committee members from the NWPOA will also be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

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Members’ meeting

Rob will also provide you with the latest facts and figures following the recently published Landlord Panel Survey and what Landlords in our area are thinking.

Plus a whistle stop tour of the NRLA’s very own Portfolio for property management.

Committee members from the NWPOA will also be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

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Members’ Meeting

The next meeting will take place on 26th January 2023 at 6.30 pm at the usual venue: The Quaker Meeting House. Topics will include  legislative update and Capital Gains Tax. Further details will follow. Please register your attendance with the NRLA as usual.

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Next Members Meeting

Next Members Meeting

The next meeting of the North West Property Owners Association (NWPOA) will take place on Thursday 20th February at 6:30pm at the Quaker Meeting House, School Lane, Liverpool.Agenda to be confirmed.We would really like you to come along and contribute to...

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The Science and Art of Letting

The Science and Art of Letting

The following are the bullet points of a presentation made at an Empty Homes Event and is aimed at new landlords and investors and is designed as an introductory article. Property Type Yield Capital Appreciation Location Mortgage Tenants Agents Standards...

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